Director Compensation Litigation in a Nutshell

August 15, 2024

Do you know where your money is going?

Director Compensation Litigation in a Nutshell


Director compensation litigation refers to legal disputes that arise over the compensation awarded to members of a company's board of directors. This type of litigation typically involves shareholders challenging the compensation packages, which may include salaries, bonuses, stock options, and other financial benefits, granted to directors. The basis for these lawsuits often includes claims that the compensation is excessive, not aligned with company performance, or was awarded without proper oversight or approval.


Key aspects of director compensation litigation include:


1.          Shareholder Derivative Suits

Shareholders may file derivative suits on behalf of the company against directors, alleging that the compensation is not in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.

2.          Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Directors have fiduciary duties to act in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. Litigation can arise if it is believed that directors breached these duties by approving or accepting excessive or unfair compensation.

3.          Corporate Governance Issues

Disputes can also center around whether the company's compensation policies and practices comply with corporate governance standards and regulations.

4.          Disclosure Requirements

Companies are required to disclose director compensation in their annual reports and proxy statements. Litigation may occur if there are allegations of inadequate or misleading disclosures.

5.          Say-on-Pay Votes

Shareholders may use advisory votes on executive compensation (say-on-pay votes) as a platform to express dissatisfaction with director compensation, potentially leading to litigation if the board does not adequately address shareholder concerns.


These cases often involve complex legal and financial analyses, including comparisons to compensation at similar companies, assessments of company performance, and evaluations of the decision-making processes used to determine compensation.

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